Coccydynia is a medical term that refers to pain occurring in the coccyx region, that is tailbone pain. It is also referred to as coccygodynia, coccalgia, neuralgia or coccygeal. The pain is mostly caused in a seated position; however, it can also start when someone shifts from a seated to standing position. While most cases of coccydynia resolve on their own in a few weeks or months, for some it might become chronic, impacting their overall quality of life. Coccydynia is a common condition and occurs more in women than men. Also, adults get it more as compared to children.
What causes coccydynia?
The coccyx is a triangle-shaped bone present at the bottom part of the spine. It is the site of attachment for many muscles and ligaments that support the pelvic floor and intended bowel control. In addition, the coccyx also serves as a weight-bearing support for an individual in a seated position. Pain in the coccyx region or coccydynia occurs mostly due to inflammation of the coccyx, as a result of an injury/trauma.
Other reasons that cause coccydynia or tailbone pain include the following:
A major fall can lead to a bruise, fracture or dislocation of the tailbone, causing pain.
Repetitive injuries
Sports activities such as rowing and cycling require leaning back and forth. Too much of such repetitive movement can strain the tissues in the coccyx region, leading to pain.
In pregnancy, towards the third trimester, the female body produces hormones that make the area between the sacrum and the tailbone soft. This makes the tailbone flexible for childbirth. However, sometimes, this over stretches the muscles and ligaments present around the tailbone and causes pain.
Improper body weight
Extra weight puts extra pressure on the tailbone, making it lean backwards, which can cause pain in that area. In the same way, less body weight means less body fat, which means no adequate cushioning in the butt region. Because of this, the tailbone often rubs against the muscles, tendons and ligaments, leading to inflammation. Therefore, it is important to maintain proper body weight.
Sitting for an extended time
When an individual sits for a long period, it puts extra pressure on the tailbone. It happens when someone sits for a long time on any hard surface.
Other than these common causes of coccydynia, some rare causes include cancer near the coccyx region or any metastatic cancer that has spread to the bone. Some cancers that cause pain in the coccyx region are chordoma, colorectal cancer and prostate cancer.
Symptoms of coccydynia
Coccydynia or tailbone pain can be either a dull pain or sharp. It worsens when someone with pain stands or sits for a long period or leans back while sitting or stands up from a sitting pose. Besides this, some other symptoms of coccydynia are:
- Sciatica
- Sleeping disorders
- Feeling of anxiousness
- Numbness in the arms, legs or groin area
- Issues in bowel movement
Several conservative treatment methods are available for treating coccydynia, and in most cases, these treatments are successful. Some cases resolve through simple measures such as using coccygeal cushions, adopting the right sitting postures and applying heat and cold over the affected area and thus don’t require any medical treatment. Treatment of severe pain includes use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. In a few cases that do not respond to conservative treatments, aggressive treatments such as surgical interventions are required.
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